Analysis of participants' learning results
Worldwide, there are different approaches on the dimensions to be considered to ensure the quality of education. In the United States, the "Five Pillars of Quality Online Education" model was developed by the Online Learning Consortium (OLC) and includes five dimensions: learning effectiveness, teacher satisfaction, student satisfaction, scale, and access. The European e-learning certification model UNIQUe (European University Quality in eLearning), designed by the European Foundation for Quality in eLearning (EFQUEL), establishes three dimensions: institutional context, educational resources, and teaching process.
Considering these models, and others that have been developed in different countries, the evaluation process established by Dominio Estudio includes four basic dimensions:
1. Learning outcomes
2. Educational content.
3. Learning environment
4. Organization
Next, emphasis will be placed on the analysis of learning outcomes, which is carried out according to the instructional objectives.
Learning outcomes, according to the University of Toronto, are statements that describe the knowledge or skills that students should acquire at the end of a particular assignment, class, course, or program, and help students understand why that knowledge and skills will be useful to them. Such outcomes in the context and application of skills help students connect learning in various contexts and guide assessment and evaluation.
The learning outcomes and objectives of the training proposal are established according to the specific purposes of the training processes to be developed and also depend on the didactic strategies. Subsequently, the instruments and analysis strategies are defined.
We invite you to see an example of a results analysis carried out by Dominio Estudio for the Corporate Integrity Course for MSMEs.
The course aims to help Mexican MSMEs to have support resources to respond to the requirements of Article 25 of the General Law of Administrative Responsibilities. The course aims to generate a behavioral change in the face of possible acts of corruption and strengthen their corporate practices towards a culture of ethics and integrity that facilitates the fight against corruption.
The Dominio Estudio team then developed a virtual course, provided with infographic videos, interactive activities, downloadable documents, and cases, within the SCORM package. The project included a pilot test in which the course deliverables were fine-tuned according to the perception of a group of participants, to obtain a very satisfactory outcome of the virtual training at the launch of the first edition (in which more than 100 people participated).
Results analysis was carried out based on the follow-up of the participants' training, with partial reports on their progress, both in the pilot test and in the first edition.
Subsequently and in agreement with the product owner, it was agreed to use a reporting tool for the analysis of the results, in which quantitative data on the training is recorded, such as the number of participants who completed the course, information disaggregated by gender, report of supports and information on the answers to the questionnaires.
Likewise, a qualitative analysis was made considering the satisfaction survey in which the perception of the participants was collected through open-ended questions.
Considering the above, the analysis of learning outcomes is an integral process that considers quantitative and qualitative aspects, as well as the particularities of each project.
Contact us to learn more about our process for analyzing educational outcomes and quality.
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