Serious games
Video games are the ideal learning environment, wherein in an inverse and entertaining environment you can make mistakes, think outside the box and lose your sense of control, the goal is to create meaningful learning experiences.
Video games are composed of a system in which players participate in an abstract challenge, defined by rules, interactivity, and feedback, which generates a quantifiable result and an emotional reaction. The goal is to create a game that people are engaged in and want to invest time and energy in.
Gamification is the use of game mechanics, aesthetics, and game thinking to promote people's participation, motivate action, encourage learning and solve problems.
There are different types of gamification, among which we highlight the serious games applied for example in marketing, business, education, health, among others.
A serious game seeks to change behavior and influence the user with a specific intention or purpose.
Some examples of serious games applied in different contexts are mentioned below:
- Builder Simulator: The game is aimed at master builders so that they can learn how to execute the construction processes and the application of materials properly.
- Pulse: In the healthcare sector, Pulse is a game aimed at future nurses to help them identify and prioritize problems in each patient, as well as how to solve them.
- Dragon Box Elements: Game designed for children from nine years old to learn the basics of geometry and Euclid's theorems.
It is worth noting that serious games facilitate cultural change either in a company or in society.
In Colombia, Industrial Safety is one of the areas in which serious games have been implemented to strengthen the induction and training processes in companies.
In Colombia, Industrial Safety is one of the areas in which serious games have been implemented to strengthen the induction and training processes in companies.
We invite you to learn more about the following example:
Based on the above examples, it can be concluded that the application of serious games has infinite possibilities and contributes to increase the interest, commitment and skills of trainees, as well as to generate cultural changes in an organization or society.
Based on the above examples, it can be concluded that the application of serious games has infinite possibilities and contributes to increase the interest, commitment and skills of the participants in training, as well as to generate cultural changes in an organization or society.
Our methodology uses games and gamification as tools to create and enrich learning experiences. We invite you to get to know Monstrovia, a serious game developed by Dominio Estudio.
Contact us to enhance your company's training by applying serious games.
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