Training plan
Training plan
We design educational and training plans according to the participants' needs. When identifying training needs, we identify the different ways in which people learn, their previous knowledge of the topics, the pace at which they appropriate or strengthen skills for the job and the context in which they perform their role, in order to fulfill the strategic plan of the organization.
Learning paths
The training plan should have two components: learning paths and personalized learning according to the characteristics of the participants.
Learning paths are the set of training resources or materials that, strategically organized, allow participants to achieve the established learning objectives.
On the other hand, personalized learning is a teaching approach that takes into account the individual's prior knowledge, needs, abilities, and perceptions during the teaching and learning processes (UNESCO, 2017, p. 5).
Currently, companies have training plans that are carried out in specific training events or spaces; however, few have included learning paths applying the personalized learning approach to go beyond the training of processes and procedures.
Companies need to create a learning culture in which they also think about the development of their employees, so that, in this manner, they can ensure the company's growth while meeting strategic and personal objectives.
It is worth highlighting that companies that boost their workforce obtain short, medium, and long-term benefits that directly impact their context, productivity, and competitiveness. Likewise, the capabilities and skills of the workforce are fundamental for the digital transformation of the company, as emphasized in an article in Forbes magazine that analyzes the correlation between employee development and their permanence in the company.
If you want to know more about learning paths, contact us so that together we can build an innovative eLearning training for your company.
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