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Icono servicio Tutoría y soporte técnico Dominio Estudio

Tutoring and technical support

Tutoring is an element of the educational process that consists of the guidance provided to participants to orient, strengthen, and stimulate their learning. This accompaniment is carried out by a tutor, who makes it possible for the student to achieve the learning objectives, identifying and preventing difficulties in the training. 

Regarding tutoring in eLearning, these are remote in real-time and scheduled according to the characteristics of the Learning Management System or LMS. According to the pedagogical strategy, tutoring can be individual, or group based. 

Technical support is a type of service that provides support to the user concerning a particular problem. It is usually associated with software or hardware support for an electronic or mechanical device. Technical support is executed through different channels such as e-mail, chat, specialized software, remote assistance, or face-to-face. 

Technical support in eLearning is expressed functionalities within the LMS platforms. Let us get to know an example of this service in a real case executed by Dominio Estudio in the Corporate Integrity Course for MSMEs

In 2020 the United Nations Development Program UNDP in Mexico, awarded the consulting services to virtualize and deploy in Moodle the contents of the Course on Corporate Integrity for micro, small and medium enterprises to Dominio Estudio. 

The course aims to contribute to providing Mexican MSMEs with support resources to respond to the requirements of Article 25 of the General Law of Administrative Responsibilities. Generate a behavioral change in the face of possible acts of corruption and strengthen their corporate practices towards a culture of ethics and integrity that facilitates the fight against corruption. 

Dominio Estudio team then developed a virtual course, provided infographic videos, interactive activities, downloadable documents, and cases, within the SCORM package. 

According to the learning objective of the project, to generate behavioral change in participants in the event of acts of corruption, a participatory communication strategy was established, reflected in the pedagogical adaptation of the contents, design, and development of the course, presenting the texts in an inclusive language, using cases to reinforce decision making and interactive activities to test the understanding of the contents and ensure reflection on corporate conduct and practices. 

Complementing the communication strategy, a customized Moodle platform was developed by the graphic identity of the entity, in which forums, questionnaires, and satisfaction surveys were arranged, as well as the design and creation of messages or newsletters to invite participants to start, continue and finish their training. 

On the other hand, during the course development process, the project was iteratively socialized with the entity and project stakeholders to refine the contents and functionalities. Subsequently, the first edition of the course was launched through the official YouTube channel of UNDP Mexico, to invite the audience to participate in the development of the course. 

Additionally, the Ticketing System was integrated into the Moodle platform to provide technical support to participants. 

The Ticketing System consists of a help desk where participants can send an e-mail request related to the development of the course or any other observation. The system allows a quick and personalized response to the participants

The project included a pilot test in which the course deliverables were fine-tuned according to the perception of a group of participants, to obtain a very satisfactory outcome of the virtual training at the launch of the first edition (in which more than 100 people participated). Ten requests were received through the Ticketing System, which was dealt with promptly, thus enabling the participants to take the course regularly. 

It is worth noting that the support service was one of the factors that corroborated a positive perception of the course by the entity and the participants. 

Regarding tutoring, a user with the role of the teacher was created in Moodle platform of the course, enabled to consult the information of the participants, and interact with them in the course forums. 

According to the above experience, tutoring and technical support are two elements that add value and complement eLearning training. Since it is relevant to apply them in the training processes of any organization. 

Contact us to include this service as an added value in your company's training processes 


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